Friday, August 31, 2012

Homemade Jewelry Cleaner?

As I looked at my wedding ring, after washing my hands for the, well I don't know how many times in the past few  ::mumbles:: since I last cleaned my ring.
Ring that desperately needs cleaning.
I had stopped cleaning it when I realized it didn't ever really seem clean from the jewelry cleaner I got from the jeweler.  Then I remembered this pin, Jewelry Cleaner Pin.  I had ALL the ingredients in my house. Yippee!  This means I don't have to try to remember to do this one later.
All the ingredients (foil is in the cup)
 It is bubbling, that means it is working, right?
After 5 min in the solution

The other side.
Cell phone pictures don't show the difference.  The main stone is MUCH clearer & the band under the stones is also clean & shiny.  I only had time for about 5 min, nap time was cut short.

Verdict: Pintastic, but won't beat a good jewelry store clean & shine.

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