Sunday, August 26, 2012

Marble Nails

We've all seen this pin. Super cute, marbled nails. As a Momma who refrained from nail polish while she was pregnant, I was super excited to give this a-go. I was way too giddy. I piled baby C into the car for a special trip to the store to pick up new nail polish and everything.

The directions said to use new nail polish (hence the special trip) and room temp tap water. I left a Solo cup of water out all night so it'd be just the right temperature. I had a nice little bowl to work with. You know, the small little bowls they give you mashed potatoes in at Texas Roadhouse... something like that (okay, maybe exactly like that... They some how make their way into my home... don't judge me.) Then, I patiently waited for baby C to take a nap so I could have wet nails for a while and not have to worry about him. It was game time.

I had a nice dry white coat and I taped my skin so paint wouldn't get all over me when I dipped my finger into the water/paint mixture and was all set to do my first nail. Add a drop of blue, add a drop of white, add a drop of blue, made it all swirly-like with a toothpick and gingerly dipped in my finger. It worked. I was so freakin' excited. I did another nail. It worked again! Woohoo. I sent this lovely gem of a picture to my SIL:

"Marbled nails from Pinterest WIN!"
I moved on to my non-dominant hand and that's where things when horribly wrong... I forgot the tape, I was moving too slowly and the paint was drying on the water, I decided to just try to add blue to the water and not blue and white since my nails were already white and ended up with some weird, hybrid nail combo.. it was just a hot mess. C woke up, I had a mess in my kitchen and it just wasn't worth it for nails that lasted... ohh... let's say about two days.

So, was it Pintastic? Kinda. Was it worth it? No way. Unless I was in charge of hosting a bunch of pre-teens at a slumber party, I don't think I'll ever try this again.

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