Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Banana + Egg Pancakes

All these Pinterest recipes I've been trying have been making me fat. Very, very fat. I finally gave up the idea that I could just will myself to be skinny, and started a board for non fattening recipes. One thing I pinned recently were pancakes made strictly from bananas and egg. I had ripe bananas, so I decided to try it out this morning.

The original pin:
I always end up burning pancakes because I tend to get very impatient. My attempt definitely didn't turn out as beautiful and fluffy as the ones pictured above:

The one on the right looks OK at least!
I tasted them and they had a very "banana-y" taste. Well, what did I expect? I do like bananas but not THAT much. I know it was supposed to be a non fattening recipe, but I decided to put syrup all over them. I tried them again and still tasted tons of banana. My husband wasn't crazy about the banana taste, either. He only took one bite. I tried to finish a whole pancake because of protein, but I couldn't and I ended up throwing them away. I hate wasting food and usually give leftovers to the dogs, but I could already imagine the banana and egg farts and I just couldn't handle that.

Final Verdict: Pintastrophe for ME, but if you're into bananas and eating healthy, you may really like it!


1 comment:

  1. I made these recently - I liked the banana flavor, but you're right, they are finicky. My first ones fell apart when I tried to flip them, the second ones were perfect, and the last ones fell apart and were way too brown on the outside. I think the key is to keep the heat on medium-low, and do them fairly small (only a couple of inches in diameter).
