Sunday, September 2, 2012

"Sand" Pudding

Growing up, my amazing Aunt always made this dessert called Dirt Pudding. Us kids would literally fight over who could get the last bite and the seasoned older cousins knew to hit the dirt pudding first before your dinner so you'd have it before it was all gone.

When I needed to make a dessert for a Fourth of July Beach Party, I thought dirt pudding would be yummy until I found this super Pintastic variation called "Sand Pudding" It was basically the same concept as dirt pudding, alternating layers of pudding and crushed cookies, but instead of using Oreos to make dirt, you use vanilla wafers and just a few Oreos to add some black specks into the sand. Don't buy a whole bag of Oreos (unless you want them for later). I just got a snack pack of Oreos. I found them in the checkout line.

The only problem I ran into was my lack of a food processor. I hastily threw in a whole box of Vanilla Wafers into my blender and hit pulse. My little blender couldn't handle all of those cookies at one time, so if when I make this again, I'll split the box in half.

When I went to "pimp out my pudding" with cream cheese, vanilla pudding, and cool whip, I opted to use the reduced/low/no fat versions (as well as the Vanilla Wafers). Guess what, with all that powdered sugar in the mix, no one was the wiser anyway and I didn't feel one ounce of remorse when I went back for a second serving.

I got SO many complements on this dessert. Everyone wanted to know how I made the sand. I told all the little kids that I scooped it off the beach (until I realized this was freaking them out and then none of them would eat it). I let the adults in on the secret.

The directions split the up the pudding between two buckets, but I found that everything fit into one bucket. At 99 cents, it was great to take to the party and leave there for the littles to keep.

"Sand" Pudding

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